Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to Avie!!!

First of all, a BIG Happy Birthday wish to Avie, who turned 1 year old on Saturday!!!!!
Time really does fly by!!
It is hard to believe that Charlee will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. We have been very, very busy here! As any parent knows (remember those first weeks home)!!! Just getting adjusted to new baby life, no sleep and learning how to cope with it all is enough. I have new respect for all the Moms and Dads out there that I know!
About Charlee, she is starting to stay awake more now. She is trying to make sounds other than just crying now. She is starting to get good muscles in her neck and can hold it up for periods of time. She passed her first doctors appt with flying colors...they all said she was beautiful and perfect...but we already knew that!! We went to Jax for the pediatric urologist appt. They will follow the fluid level on her kidney every 3 months with a ultrasound. And they are going to do a bladder scan on May 18th to make sure the cause of the fluid is not reflux. If it is reflux, she will have to go on antibiotics indefinitely and possibly have more treatments at a later date. Please pray that the fluid level disappears and no further treatment is needed! She also has a clogged/blocked tear duct that causes her left eye to accumulate gunk. We tried antibiotic ointment...didn't work. And we have been massaging the tear ducts several times daily. Hopefully this will also clear up soon! Nabu and Jami have settled into having Charlee here....they are actually very protective and check on her frequently. Charlee is already used to their barking, but now they are asked to take it outside!!! Anyway, I am still passing kidney stones! Just passed a big jagged one today! I had a CT scan the other day that showed multiple non-obstructing stones in both I guess my fun is not over yet! I do have a urologist appt for me on May 7th to see if they can help stop the madness!!! And finally to Daddy.....Kevin is doing great. He is a fabulous Dad....but those that know him well had no doubts about that! Charlee already has him wrapped around her little finger. And she is going to be a Daddy's girl. She loves for him to hold her and rock her. He also is great at changing diapers, getting up in the night with her, giving her baths, dressing her and I am blessed to have such a wonderful hubby!

Grandpa Dean and Charlee

Grandma and Grandpa Dean meet Charlee

Gandma, BoBo and Lilly meet Charlee

Friday, April 17, 2009

Misc pics

Daddy and Charlee, love these pics....Kevin looks totally smitten!!

Sleeping all stretched out

Easter 2009

Pop and Charlee

Granna and Charlee with her Easter basket and her 2 eggs

McGuire, Cozart and Dawkins families

All the cute girls........their Daddies are in BIG trouble!!

Easter 2009

The Family

First family photo
The cousins

Charlee's first Easter dress...Thanks to Granna for finding something that fit tee-tiny girl

Me-Mae and Charlee......too sweet!

Granna and Pop

Granna and Pop meeting Charlee

Friday, April 10, 2009

New pics from this week

Cute little sleeper
Theresa (from Lori's work) meeting Charlee

Funny little sleeper

Bright eyed girl

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Charlee's First Bath

Charlee's protector, he follows her areound the chouse and checks on her all the time.

My First Physical

The Main Man, The Proud Mom and The Cheeky Little Monkey
Cheeky little monkey , who's the little ruler now!!!!!

Good close-up of Charlee

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lori and Charlee's first kiss

Charlee Reagan McGuire

when Charlee was in the nursery the new nurses would come into our room and ask us what our babies name was? I would tell them to go back to the nursery grab the cutest baby and you would know her name. I even told this to all the other proud dad's